You maybe want to do lots of things in life, but you rather concentrate on the few. Because everything costs money. Forget about time. We have all time in the world if we like what we do.
What we don’t have is money. Of course banks can print as much money as they want, but we are not banks. Banks own everything and make everyone kneel. But if you know how to play their game you may still be able to play to win.
The secret is to know to stop in the right time. Because if you change all the time, add and add tasks to your life, well, it becomes hectic, you become anxious. People start to envy you and feel troubled.
The solution is to keep it simple stupid. Be mobile and agile, in the industry you know and do. Writing. I thought writing will be dead with the appearance of AI. However it’s like saying the books will be dead with the appearance of TV or phones would be dead with appearance of the internet. It’s simply not true.
Horses are still horses will all the cars going on there. My point is that in frame of perspective, we are all repetitive thinkers. We are all called names. However, if we keep doing what we do best, be it writing or working out in the backyard, we might just get through the lifetime we were allocated without taking too much of emotional damage.