With 1000 subs to your streaming channel on kick you may be making $4750/month after the company takes its cut.
Imagine playing video games everyday for 6 hours a day and making this kind of money just for streaming for others to watch.
If you are a teenage female gamer with good looks, this is even better than onlyfans.
You keep you dignity and you do something fun. You build a fandom and you make money.
If you are a guy and you play complex games like Poker, Chess, DDO, and make witty comments while doing so, you might see success sooner than you expect.
Anyhow this idea just blew my mind, I might try it when I live alone. I like playing DDO and extra $5k is a no-brainer. By the way if you’d like to learn how to sell stuff better, purchase my book or sub to my email list, or do both: